Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My Little Man

Thanksgiving always brings out the gratefulness in me. So I thought I would just mention one of the many reasons that I am so thankful for Noah. Noah has been waking up especially early in the mornings for the past few weeks. I have tried a later bedtime but it seems even if he goes to bed late, he wakes up close to the same time every morning. So I have decided to get over it and come to terms with the fact that my child doesn't require much sleep. Every morning he greets me at my bed with all three of his blakets, his flashlight and one of his guns (yes he sleeps with all of those) and says "hi mommy im awake." Since it is still dark outside, I usually tell him it is still night time and he needs to go back to sleep. So he climbs in bed with me and snuggles for a bit. This morning I decided even though it is early, I love this time with him. For one it is about the only time during the day that he holds still long enough to cuddle and the second reason is that he is super sweet that early in the morning. This morning I woke up to him giving me butterfly (eye) and eskimo (nose) kisses. Love it! He is truly the best gift I have ever been given. I love being his mom, even on days when he acts like a wild animal, I love him more than words can express. I am so glad that I am his mom and he is my little man.


Anonymous said...

carrie, what a sweet post.:) it makes me think i need to have a little more positive of an attitude when andrew wake up early.
okay, and we have not talked in WAY too long. natalie and sarah are both pregnant?!?!?
call me soon!:)

Michele Ringer said...

love you!... you forgot to include the beautiful stank breath noah has in the morning. lol the ringer family curse.

Scott, Amber, and Landon said...

i know i just love Landon in the mornings. it's really the one time of day he is sweet. He gives noseies as we call them instead of "eskimo kisses." So cute. We need to hang out soon. I miss ya!

Jessica said...

That is very sweet. It is hard when they wake up early. Good for you for having such great attitude about it. I love to cuddle with my kids in my bed. They don't hold still very long to do it though. It looks like you had a great time at the cabin. How fun you could all be together. I have not talked to you in forever. We need to catch up. Hope you are doing good.

The Jorgensen's said...

Those moments are what make life good!