Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Trip to Cali

My mom, sisters and sister in-law and I, took a girls trip to California last weekend. We decided on the way there that the priorities of the trip were as follows: 1.Shop 2.Pee 3.Eat 4.Sleep
I would say that we definately, on a few occasions, did forgo eating and sleeping to shop, and the bathroom breaks were limited to emergencies only.:) We had so much fun just being together! We also went to the musical in L.A., Wicked! It was soooo amazing, I loved it. Here are a few pics from our trip!!
Wicked in L.A.!

At the Orange County Swap Meet

Michele and I thought this pink dog was not so cute. We are at the South Coast Plaza Mall!


The Jorgensen's said...

I LOVE the Orange County Swap Meet!!! I have very fond memories there. You're making me very excited for our trip to California in October!

Jacob and Lindsay Burt said...

Looks like SO much fun! Glad you girls got to get away!

Jessica said...

Looks like you have been having a fun summer. I am glad you were able to take a girls trip and go to the Lake. Noah is getting so big and is so darling. You look wonderful as well. I am sorry I have not done better about keeping in touch. I always check your blog though. I hope that work and life is going good for you. Love Ya,

Britney and Jaren Jensen said...

Looks like lots of fun! Wicked is my favorite play! And about Jill's ring I've only seen a picture sent by text & it is very pretty! They are so cute and I am way excited for them.

Burt family said...

Ticklin'- what on earth is that pink shaggy dog? Where were you guys so I missed that action?
Love ya!